Fun & Interactive
How Dumb Are You?? I only scored a 10 <g>
for the answers of life?Check out this cool Crystal Ball
Summer Love.
Cool Site with lots of stuff, it sometimes takes
a minute to load.
Here is a really cool Virtual Bowling game, check it out.
Simeon's World Of Magic... Interesting Site.
The Sex Thermometer.
Stupid & Humorous
Ad campaign for a Brazilian Internet Company.
Have your picture taken online!!!
Like to dance?? Well click here and boogie down!
Wonder what I think about my former job and boss?
Age is a funny thing.
Have you ever had a REALLY bad date??
A Pic.. it reminds me of my cat and her favorite
"Chocolate Friend"
Stupid Penis Tricks!
It's not MY job!!!!
Click here to see naked women!